At Waterloo…
Hello and welcome to Waterloo Christian Fellowship’s website. Here you will find some basic information about what we do. If you’re in the vicinity, please do come and spend some time with us, we’d love to make you feel welcome.
A good start would be the Sunday morning ‘What the Bible teaches’ service at 11.00 am for some bible teaching and/or joining us for refreshments afterwards at the Good News Cafe from 12.15 until 1 pm.
All are welcome

Proclaiming Christ…
You can find more about our other meetings by going to our services page.
If you have arrived here because of a leaflet, book or bible that you have received from us, welcome to our website!
Would you like to hear something about how Jesus can change your life? Click on the link below where Tim, one of the Christians at Waterloo Hall, explains how this can happen.

Good News Cafe
Every Sunday
Free refreshments and good company.
Please come along and say hello!